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Avonex Price Comparison: How To Save Big Money With Your Canadian Online Prescription

Cheaper Avonex (Interferon Beta 1a) prescriptions are easier to find when you start your search with Canadian Online Prescription Guide.com. ...

This drug is an expensive brand name drug. However, ordering from a Canadian Pharmacy will save up to 50% (fifty per cent), or maybe even more, off the price charged by a United States Pharmacy. Shopping around will result in even greater savings. We have already done the shopping for you.

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If you're seeking value on your Avonex prescription, you owe it to yourself to shop a Canadian On Line Pharmacy. Getting the Canadian discount helps satisfy every cheap prescription drug seeker's desire for savings. Canadian Online Prescription Guide.com is your quick source to satisfy your craving for savings.

Avonex is readily and easily available from our recommended Canadian Online Pharmacies. Canadian Online Prescription Guide.com has already located the best suppliers for you.

Our listings greatly simplify your research, shopping and price comparison. Canadian Online Prescription Guide.com has already researched the cheapest prescription drug suppliers for you.

Why are Avonex prescriptions so much cheaper in Canada?

In Canada the prescription drug industry price is regulated by the Canadian government and its agency, Health Canada. Prescription prices are kept at a more affordable level than in the United States. That's one important reason why Canadian Pharmacies have so much cheaper prescription drug prices.

Another reason for cheap Canadian online prescription drug prices, relative to the United States, is the relative strength of the US Dollar. US dollars purchase more Canadian prescription goods for less. One reason for occaisonal price fluctuations would be the varying exchange rate.

Canadian Avonex Price Guide:
How Cheap Are Prescriptions From Canada?

Listed below are the cheap Avonex prices Canadian Online Prescription Guide.com has found for you. Also included are links to take you directly to the Canadian Avonex suppliers we located for you.

Canadian Online Prescription Guide.com is proud to recommend the following suppliers. Canadian Online Prescription Guide.com has scoured the Internet for the best Canadian Online Pharmacies. Please feel free to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

We conducted an indepth price survey of every Canadian Online Pharmacy we could find. We considered price first. Service and reputation were important considerations also. The clear winners are presented on this site, Canadian Online Prescription Guide.com.

For Canadian prescription ordering instructions, please visit Our Pharmacy Sources Resource Page.

Remember, the only good cheap prescription drug is a safe cheap prescription drug. In many cases, unless otherwise noted, the prescription drugs shipped from these Canadian online pharmacies will be the exact same drugs you would receive from your local pharmacy. Same Drug, Same Benefits, Huge Savings!

We only recommend REAL Canadian Pharmacies. Every company mentioned on Canadian Online Prescription Guide.com either is an actual pharmacy located in Canada or represents an actual pharmacy located in Canada. No Exceptions!

Presented in Alphabetical Order:

Last Shopped: 2009/02/15

ABCOnlinePharmacy.com located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Avonex (Interferon Beta 1a) Prices from ABCOnlinePharmacy.com ,
Brand Name 30mcg kit $1899.90 USD per 4 doses $474.98 per dose

Prices are in US Dollars

Shipping is extra on this prescription.

Click here for more detailed information on ABCOnlinePharmacy.com.

CanadaPharmacy.com located in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.

Avonex (Interferon Beta 1a) Prices from CanadaPharmacy.com ,
Brand Name 30mcg kit $1499.00 USD per 4 doses $374.75 per dose

Prices are in US Dollars

Shipping is only $10.00 per order (not per prescription).

Click here for more detailed information on CanadaPharmacy.com.

CanDrugStore.com located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Avonex (Interferon Beta 1a) Prices from CanDrugStore.com
Brand Name 130mcg kit not available not available

Click here for more detailed information on CanDrugStore.com.

DoctorSolve.com located in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.

Avonex (Interferon Beta 1a) Prices from DoctorSolve.com
Brand Name 30mcg kit not available not available

Click here for more detailed information on DoctorSolve.com.

Please tell us how helpful our Canadian Avonex Price Comparison was to you and how we can improve.

Additional Avonex Information

Click here for our how Avonex works and information page, Avonex and treatment of multiple sclerosis (includes Avonex side effects, interactions and supplement recommendations).

Before You Buy Avonex Online...

Before you buy Avonex Online, be sure to review our Canadian pharmacy recommendations.

Are you paying too much for your prescriptions?
Check out the savings with our Canadian Prescription Drug Price Comparisons.


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